Fedex zone chart for 32960
Fedex zone chart for 32960

Some services use a flat rate, letting you pay the same price regardless of the destination (as long as it’s within the United States).breaks down which services are zoned (Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, USPS Retail Ground, and Bound Printed Matter) and which are not (First-Class Mail, USPS Marketing Mail, Library Mail, and Media Mail).For services that are zoned, the greater the zone, the greater the cost in most cases. Zones are dynamically calculated based on where your package is shipped from. To estimate your shipping zones, use the table below (updated November 2018): Shipping ZoneMile Radius (from origin)Zone 1 (local)50 mile radiusZone 251 – 150 mile radiusZone 3151 – 300 mile radiusZone 4301 – 600 mile radiusZone 5601 – 1000 mile radiusZone 61001 – 1400 mile radiusZone 71401 – 1800 mile radiusZone 81801+ mile radiusZone 9Freely Associated StatesHow shipping zones work in ecommerce fulfillmentHere are some of the most common FAQs about shipping zones in the US. For many sellers not using distribution centers, they need to plan how they’ll ship goods across the continental United State’s 2,500+ miles of coast to coast customers.Since USPS shipping zones cover distance from the shipper, you can use the shipping zone map above to estimate how long it would take to get your products to your customers. What are the USPS shipping zones?A lot of small businesses opt for using USPS because of how cheap and reliable it is.

fedex zone chart for 32960

The destination zone number will depend on how far it is from the point of origin, with Zone 8 being the farthest away.

Fedex zone chart for 32960